Exploring The Science of Learning and The Research and Practice of Writing Instruction
A Professional Learning Experience for South Dakota Literacy Leaders
► Session I: Readers First: Fostering Independent Learners Through Transformative Teaching (8:30-11:30 AM)
While the science of reading tells us what is essential for building a reader, the science of learning tells us the conditions that are necessary for learning to thrive and last. Participants will engage in learning about the evidence base for the Science of Learning and connecting those principles to the components of the Reading Rope.
Professional readings and discussions will ground the session as well as lesson and video analysis to connect the research to practice. Come to learn more about how combining the science of learning with the science of reading has the potential to meet the needs of the whole child and support the development of independent learners.
► Session II: Bringing Writing to Life: Exploring the Research and Practice of Writing Instruction (12-3 PM)
Join us to unpack the research and find out how teaching writing as a separate content area provides a critical pathway for fostering effective communication skills as well as nurturing creativity and critical thinking, which are essential skills for both academic and personal success.
During this professional learning experience, participants will:
You’ll leave well-equipped with professional resources, lesson examples, and checklists that can help support your instructional practice.
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024
Location: Cleveland Professional Development Center, 106 A&B, University of Sioux Falls, 1010 W 26th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Cost: $15 per session or $25 for both. Registration includes materials and lunch. We accept major credit cards, e-checks, and purchase orders.
Intended Audience: District and building leaders, instructional coaches, teachers, and invested literacy partners.
Certificates: Certificates of completion for completed clock hours (total of 3 or 6 depending on sessions attended) will be provided.
8:30 AM–9:00 AM: Registration and Coffee/Tea (provided)
9:00 AM–11:30 AM: Session I: Readers First: Fostering Independent Learners Through Transformative Teaching
11:30 AM–12:00 PM: Lunch (provided)
12:00 PM–12:30 PM: Break/Registration for Afternoon Session
12:30 PM–3:00 PM: Session II: Bringing Writing to Life
Andreia Simon, Sr. Regional Director
Terri Mehlhaff, Manager of Educational Partnerships
Linda Rourke, Director of Program Marketing