Supporting our Oldest Readers Virtual Series
Educators and school leaders recognize the urgent need to identify and support students in upper elementary, middle, and high school who struggle to read. Foundational reading skills are often at the heart of reading difficulties and it is crucial to provide instruction that is research-based, respectful, dignified, and age-appropriate to this vulnerable group of students. Join us for one or both as we dig into this topic!
Intended Audience: Anyone who supports older readers (teachers, coaches, administrators).
Session Details
Part 1: October 1 at 12 or 4 PM: Accelerating Foundational Skills for Older Readers
Join us as we unpack the research from the IES/WWC Practice Guide-Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4-9, focusing on Recommendation 1: Build students’ decoding skills so they can read complex multisyllabic words. During this session, we will bridge research to practice by demonstrating effective instructional routines and discussing effective strategies to support any intervention in any classroom.
Part 2: October 8 at 12 or 4pm: SIPPS as a Solution
Join us to learn about how SIPPS can meet the needs of your older readers in a respectful and effective way. SIPPS is connected to state intervention standards and aligned with the recommendations from the IES/WWC Practice Guide-Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4-9 (which we will share in Part 1 on October 1) . We will also discuss ways that you can try out SIPPS for the students in your classroom, school, and/or district this fall!
These sessions are complimentary, but you must register in advance. Each session is 1 hour. These sessions will be recorded.
Tricia Bennett, Sr. Manager of Educational Partnerships
Megan West, Sr. Manager of Educational Partnerships
Tamara Williams, Manager of Educational Partnerships
Questions? Please contact